Find and succeed in job interviews
In a community of a country we share everything, even the opportunity to bring together the talents that the Lord has given us.
The world of work is a place to express these gifts; for this reason the AbitusContact association has an open window also in this sector.
Do you want to orient your professional career in Italy, or abroad,
Are you trying to orient yourself in a job or sector other than the current one?
Are you looking for a specific occupation?
Existing positions in your industry require extensive distribution of your resume.
The diffusion through a mass mailing (of the mailing lists) immediately gives you VISIBILITY followed by a number of replies from the companies in your sector.
There is a great saving of time, if your CV and your motivation letter are sent to 1000, 3 000 or 30 000, 90 000 companies in your sector in Italy, abroad or in your city, they allow you to get job interviews.
a specific technique proven since 2011 of sending your resume in bulk in a targeted way, can allow you to achieve the goal of obtaining job interviews.
The faster your resume and your motivation letter spreads, the greater the opportunities to find a company that searches for your profile and which, in turn, has not yet spread the news through traditional channels (monster etc ... ).
One of our struggles:
It is so obvious that the lists of companies and the professional emails of companies must be available to those looking for a job, that we fight to make them available either at the municipality or at the employment agency, to facilitate the search for interviews throughout the country. 'Italy
Ediware sending without blacklist : https://www.ediware.net/
Find and succeed in job interviews
If you are interested,
to know and disseminate these job interview search techniques, we can pass on the various techniques already proven.
The interlocutor of Abituscontact,
will guide you, to obtain results in this area,
It is a VOLUNTARY service
offered and existing in France since 2011, the only expenses at your expense will be in the search for email lists of companies (we have lists of addresses in Aosta, Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, France and Switzerland) we give you some advice to look for them, in the end as other expense you will have the company that will send your resume and motivation letter, we know a serious company that does it at low cost, and we can advise you on any other choices of your e mailing router companies
We can also give you specific techniques in sending your resume and your motivation letter through gmail addresses that allow you to do 500 mailings every 24 hours.
All in one in DIY: address search and mailing it's easy, it's Contact express, https://www.contact-express.net/
Find and succeed in job interviews
The various results obtained so far in France :
- In 2012 and in a high school of commerce you are looking for an "internship": 85 000 mailings, 35 interviews that interest you and you will choose the company that suits you best (you will get the permanent position and then a position with responsibility ).
In 2015, on a niche market, with 18 Years of experience, 500 items, received,
10 requests for interviews.
In 2015, research in the luxury sector for a secretary position, 600 submissions, 5 replies, 3 interviews.
In 2016 in the summer period at the end of June: one sending to 30 000 companies, 3 job interviews obtained. Result: he took a position in CDD of 6 months evolved into a permanent position which he has maintained until now in the field of commercial management of insurance in film production.
In 2017, after a mini training in the Parish, 30,000 emails were sent about Paris and the Ile de France; the job search ended with 17 email responses, 1 interview, and a job as a "chargée de projet" (status Manager (Responsibility for an international company conference)), in a communication company in charge of an international event in Paris.
to get in touch with us send us an email.