The idea was born in 1999 and quickly with the first version which was a solution for fixed telephones (Network: France Telecom, and VOIP) which composed an electronic box that was designed and created in a specialized company: various prototypes up to arrive at solutions (with Map and CDrom of the circuits).
Now in 2021 it ideally works with two computers, or a computer and a tablet (or a smart phone). And a speaker connected to a computer and headphones with microphones connected to the two computers simultaneously that transfer the pre-recordings. This idea has become a robot that speaks and responds by itself with the addition of a speech program called Dys-vocal (: with one of the program's functions)
All versions offer both to converse with the interlocutor simultaneously and live,
100% management (including argumentation) of the conversation with the computer, predictive in Outbound (outbound calls) ensuring a large number of calls: All versions are already working
Calls :
* Without changes in the biological rhythm.
* Speaking Italian always perfectly *
* A guarantee of qualitative and quantitative results that are always perfectly predictable.
* Where in conversation the argument is made perfect (your choice).
* With argumentation strategies that you have created in arborescence, in Automatic with the PC with your recorded voice: with the click of the mouse, and you can speak live with the person on the phone.

On our test, the pre-recording formula of the phrases to say allows you to manage 100% the conversation with the computer mousse, but you could when you want to intervene live with the interlocutor and / or then resume with the audio pre-recordings. For those who say no to the proposals it allows to put it in statistics and to pass to the next interlocutor, discarding with great speed and vivacity, those who are not interested to concentrate on the PROFIT calls.
Now let's see what it takes to work:
- Dialfire the predictive that launches 5 simultaneous calls (click on the photo to see the site):
- A Yearbook to place many telephone numbers
-and a secure job that pays for the information that results in a sale given to a professional.
For example, those who sell a property or a job to be done in the house (plumbing, painting, etc.),if the professional makes the sale the deal you are sure to be paid.
we chose the "nosrezo" web platform.
It exists in four countries: France, Italy, Spain and Portugal for those who speak French or Spanish or Portuguese.
all you need is the list of traders and small businesses (you can find the yellow pages in cd version also used from previous years (many traders are in business), for france it is possible to buy from "CD Prospect", which has 3 million licompanies)

A Robot Heart, or how to create a robot that on the phone answers autonomously with the interlocutor.
The action of this machine will allow you with your pre-recorded voice to have a complete conversation with an interlocutor, the voice recognition of the Dys-vocal software allows you to launch your answers and your arguments.
Each time the interlocutor interacts the voice recognition recognizes words and passes to your answer.
Only one thing you have to find not to give everything is how to repeatedly click on the activation of the voice recognition of the Dys-Vocal software, an action not very complicated given the many software and the opportunity to hijack technologies on the market.
For the creation of the robot you must:
two PCs (€ 60 per pc) with microphone and headphone jack output
one with DYS VOCAL software
the other with predictive call
double jack socket cables
headsets with a double output a microphone jack and a headphone jack of the same model