We offer Solutions for:
Being 100% self-sufficient in electricity:
(with lighting, electric heating, etc ...),
Everything that works with electricity at cost with an 80% reduction in the bill
(For existing home appliances).
For the water bill a reduction of 60/80% of the bill.
We search for vehicles (Cars, Motorcycles ...) of a fuel (at the lowest price you can imagine),
Also renewable energy at a cost of £ 0 bills,
For water consumption, the existing natural solutions, (reduction of the bill) with free rainwater in recovery for houses and apartments
research and possible opportunities in "do it yourself":
The ways to: produce clean and autonomous electricity (closed circuit).
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The main DIY components for low energy consumption on this site in clean and renewable energy (click on the image to access the site):
- light
- heating
- electrical home equipment
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
- The recovery of rainwater and induced economies,
-House air filtered
- and a basic homemade diet
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Below are the main components of the simple autonomous solar energy systems found on the site

Les produits Itaka sont inégalables. Ils répondent à tous les besoins industriels ou de construction et fournissent une prestation de grande qualité. Aucun membre de l'équipe de Abituscontact ne se souvient avoir jamais eu à se plaindre d'un produit Itaka ! C'est le meilleur gage de qualité qu'on puisse espérer.

Nous travaillons avec cette marque extrêmement fiable depuis 2000, l'année de la fondation de Abituscontact. Petit câblage, matériel de gros-œuvre... Ils disposent d'un large choix de matériel.

Own electrical production solution with a 100% autonomous generator, the current home electrical system is then used with the same electrical sockets. depending on the power of the generator it can also power a condominium or a village.
Existing plants: (the "do-it-yourself" map is available in countries around the world and below). They work with a generator base (they sell in china models for a few euros up to powers for a town that are worth more), then a water system has a closed circuit with recovery in a tank and then it is sent back to the container main: all to make a wheel like that of a mill rotate. The wheel is triggered on a manufacturer's device that reduces the force and turns the generator pin at high speed, producing electricity.
The recovery of the water through one receptacle to the other takes place through water pumps. and you can add a compressor to give more pressure to the water flowing out to the mill.
This autonomous system for the home is valid and also suitable for the production of electricity for the national grid of the country.

Finally, current searches for :
Ways to produce clean electricity :
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Various examples (hundreds) on the web in youtube of production generators,
to our ability to produce them will be very little space, a production of electric industrial Wind without damaging the environment (aesthetic)
and completely autonomous (in a closed production circuit ), that is, once installed, it continuously generates electricity, without the consumption of natural resources (being in a closed circuit ). The option for the car and the bus powered by autonomous and existing energy and transmitted to countries around the world for those seeking to produce them.
the costs are little more than a single generator price there are simple models for home or industrial versions of the power capacity of a citizen,
Solutions for free rainwater: useful on many occasions, recovery offers water at a cost of € 0

rainwater container for the factory toilet for an economy of 30 liters for each passage on 100 people with 3 passages per day are 32 850 liters in a year. The economy can be done in the company